
Our Mission

To build a financially secure future for everyone

Free • No obligation

The platform you can trust

A team of impact-driven money experts, our purpose is to make a financially secure future a reality for everyone. Here’s what you need to know about us and the values that underpin our service.

Our values

Be impartial

We don’t take commission to promote particular products or services. Instead, we provide our users with trusted, unbiased information to help them make the choices that are right for them.

Empowering action and insight

Apathy. Inertia. Two big words that stop many of us from doing things we really know we should… It’s why a central aim of Maji is to make taking action easy, clear, simple and immediate.

Cut the jargon

Most of us don’t know our DB from our DC from our occupational pension. And all that technical language can be off putting. We are committed to simplifying financial complexities and cutting out the jargon wherever we can.

Get help when you need it

Working with a regulated financial adviser can be expensive, but also extremely beneficial. We help our users maximise the guidance on offer and – along with our partners – are committed to ensuring everyone gets the help they need.

Making the world a better place

Don’t believe us? We’ve made making the world a better place front and centre of our formal business articles to ensure we hold true to our values and our mission.

The Maji Story

The name Maji (pronounced Mah-jee) stands for trust and respect. “Ma” is the familiar form of mum and mothers are the epitome of trust. “Ji” is used in Sahil’s native India to signify respect. Everything we do originates from our values of trust and respect for people, product and the planet.

Our leadership team

Sahil Sethi, CEO

A serial entrepreneur and ideas person, Sahil first dreamed up the idea for Maji in 2015. Combining his 15 years experience building financial and technology products for the pensions industry with his passion for building technology to do good, Sahil set out to create a tool to make saving into and managing pensions simple. Sahil is a CFA charter holder, holds a first class in Computer Science from City University and is a TED Institute speaker.

Megan Worthing-Davies, COO

Megan is a Teach First alumna, with 10 years of experience running teams in purpose-led organisations noted for their strong education and behavioural science focus. She holds a degree from Oxford University (PPE) and an MSc from LSE, where she minored in behavioural economics. A keen cyclist, footballer and boat lover, Megan’s early career as a gig worker provided her little opportunity to save into a pension.

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