What is ESG investing?

ESG and sustainable investing in a nutshell It’s easy to get jargoned-out when learning about investing, but ESG is one acronym you might want to remember. So, what is ESG investing? It’s also known as ‘sustainable’ or ‘responsible’ investing, but the ESG title (Environmental, Social and Governance) helps to pin down what that covers in […]

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Different Types of Investments

By Catherine Thomas-Humphreys, The Finfluencer So we’ve learned about platforms, and we know about investment accounts, so let’s look at what we can actually invest inside those accounts. There is a wide range of investments available and a collection of them would be called an investment portfolio.  You want to aim for a broad range […]

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Choosing an Investment Account

Investment accounts

by Catherine Thomas-Humphreys, The Finfluencer When we get started with investing, we need to decide where to put our money. In addition to choosing an investing platform, we also need to decide which investing account might be the right fit. An investment account is sometimes called an investment product or tax wrapper. They include pensions, adult […]

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Five ways to spend wisely over the festive season

cut costs christmas

Let’s face it: December can be expensive! What with work parties, social gatherings with friends and neighbours, gifts, special dinners and New Year celebrations, the festive season can rack up a significant cost. And, of course, after a couple of restricted years, we are all keen to make the most of our time with loved […]

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Choosing an investment platform

By Catherine Thomas-Humphreys (www.thefinfluencer.co.uk) Think of an investing platform simply like a financial supermarket.   In the same way you go to Tesco to buy all your food, you go to a platform to buy your investment account and then the investments within that account. It’s an online service that an investor can use in order […]

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Saving money – the how and where

Having a pot of money to dip into doesn’t happen overnight. There are a variety of different ways to save for the future. Some are designed for a specific purpose and some are designed for a specific time period – like a pension or help to buy ISA. Once you know what you’re saving for you can match your goal with the right savings product.

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