5 effective ways to prepare for life’s major financial milestones

You can never be totally prepared for what life will throw at you, but you can make sure you are financially prepared to achieve your goals and tackle life’s ups and downs. To make a big purchase or prepare for a comfortable retirement you’ll need a sizeable pot to fund it. But don’t panic! Whether you are buying a car, a house, or paying off your student debt, we have compiled this list of our top five tips to help you get prepared for meeting your financial milestones. […]

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Saving money – the how and where

Having a pot of money to dip into doesn’t happen overnight. There are a variety of different ways to save for the future. Some are designed for a specific purpose and some are designed for a specific time period – like a pension or help to buy ISA. Once you know what you’re saving for you can match your goal with the right savings product.

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5 side hustles to boost your income

To help protect your money and increase your financial independence, you could diversify your income streams. Side hustles are becoming the new norm for many and multiple income streams are helping to provide more financial stability. We’ve compiled this useful list of ideas to help you get started. […]

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Why you need to start investing!

Investing can seem daunting to us. From a young age we are taught to save, save, save. But your money could be wasting away in your savings account. Investing your money is the best way to build wealth and provide financial stability for your future. […]

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5 reasons why you need to start talking to your kids about money!

Being open about your finances and teaching your children the value of money will help them be more financially literate when they get older. Show them how you pay the bills, talk about how mortgages and tax payments work. Financial understanding is very important. […]

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Do I need a financial advisor?

You may be asking yourself if you need a financial advisor to help you navigate the world of pensions and finance. A financial advisor might be right for you depending on where you are in your financial journey. Or, it might be that another kind of financial expert can help you. If that’s the case, […]

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