What is ESG investing?

ESG and sustainable investing in a nutshell It’s easy to get jargoned-out when learning about investing, but ESG is one acronym you might want to remember. So, what is ESG investing? It’s also known as ‘sustainable’ or ‘responsible’ investing, but the ESG title (Environmental, Social and Governance) helps to pin down what that covers in […]

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Choosing an investment platform

By Catherine Thomas-Humphreys (www.thefinfluencer.co.uk) Think of an investing platform simply like a financial supermarket.   In the same way you go to Tesco to buy all your food, you go to a platform to buy your investment account and then the investments within that account. It’s an online service that an investor can use in order […]

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How much should I contribute to my pension?

If you’re contributing to your workplace pension, you’re already taking an important step towards your future. Contributions you make today will be invested and grow over time. But how much should you be putting in to be on track for a comfortable future? The default minimum There is a default minimum that should currently be […]

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